There are over 60000 power plants around the world that can use our Hydrogen Nano Gas to reduce their pollution emission to almost zero.
There are over 20000 ships sailing on our seas. Most of these ships are polluting the oceans. All of these ships can use HNG to bring their pollution emissions down to almost zero.
These are just 2 of the markets that will benefit from using HNG.
In 2012 legislation was passed in North America and the EU with the aim of reducing pollution emissions.
In North America over 1000 power plants were ordered to reduce their pollution emissions of face closure.
In the EU, ships sailing in EU waters including the Baltic seas were ordered to reduce their pollution emissions or face penalties including being impounded.
We expect to see similar legislation being implemented & enforced around the world in due course.
The markets that HIT and its’ joint venture partners can service are being opened up by international regulation & compliance.
This presents an opportunity on a global scale for HIT & our partners to license our HNG technology to companies & organizations around the world who are legally bound to fulfil these new regulations & compliance standards.
Our HNG technology can do this more effectively, faster and cheaper than any other solution out there right now.